strong emotions

another disaster in Japan.. their vulcano have erupted in the southern region.

It seems like its not a good time to visit Japan - and im really really sad.. almost like im getting into a depression. I dont want to eat. I dont want to work. I dont want to go out.
im just sitting infront of the tv or computer, iphone, updating the news.
I started crying as well when I read the news. I just want to get to the country that i've waited for, for over 6months. All the planning, and saving of money.. ive worked really hard to get to Japan, and now it seems like I maybe wont get there.. im so sad..
maybe i'll even call in sick tomorrow at work.. right now im not capable of taking the usual crap with a smile. im afraid i'll start crying or yelling instead.
Unless the meltdown at the powerplant wont happen, at least with a big concequens - we will leave to Japan.

gosh.. what are we gonna do..
whats gonna happen with Japan..


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