Ohayougozaimasu everyone,
Yesterday before going to bed I tried some varieties with the camera and lights.
Some people can do such awesome stuff with just lights in the pictures. So I wanted to try my first time and see how it works, kinda.
I start work at 4.45pm today, and will work until 11.15pm. Its not a long shift, but still, kinda boring. But I get more money during the weekends and nights. Oh yeah! And now im drinking loads of vanilla thé. Oishii!
I'll see what more I can upload until then. ^__^ またね!
Classic experiments with lights

My favourite Halloween-Icon

My favourite Halloween-Icon

Postat av: jenny
jag kommer denfinitivt fortsätta läsa :D
Postat av: Alexandra
coola bilder :D
Postat av: Klaggen
Oooooh, sista bilden var RIKTIGT nice!
Postat av: jespa
schyssta bilder! :D keep em' comin'!