Information of Japanese course
Yesterday I went out to take some pictures, so I got something to upload later on today. Some pics got quite nice I think. I'll just have to wait and see better when I load them to the computer, of course.
But on the small camera screen - they looked allright. ehee..
Right now im not doing much.
The cold morning walk from Johans place to mine, was not that fun. The cold and heavy winds of the upcoming wintertime - sucks. I dont want to walk outside anymore. >> ..
Also, I wanted to inform everyone in my town, Kiruna, that a japanese speaking course is coming this fall. Just go in at: to register you and the course can start when there is enough people who wants to take it. ^__^ So please! Register and learn some japanese!
Yesterday I went out to take some pictures, so I got something to upload later on today. Some pics got quite nice I think. I'll just have to wait and see better when I load them to the computer, of course.
But on the small camera screen - they looked allright. ehee..
Right now im not doing much.
The cold morning walk from Johans place to mine, was not that fun. The cold and heavy winds of the upcoming wintertime - sucks. I dont want to walk outside anymore. >> ..
Also, I wanted to inform everyone in my town, Kiruna, that a japanese speaking course is coming this fall. Just go in at: to register you and the course can start when there is enough people who wants to take it. ^__^ So please! Register and learn some japanese!