foggy Work
Yesterday there was a really cool fog everywhere! I got some cool pics at the graveyard and on top of a small mountain. It was really, really cool. I will upload them as soon as the computer is well again~~
Todays agenda is, first:
Color my hair
Take a shower
Drive to Johans mom and talk about some candlethingies
Drive Johans mom to the airport
Get my Skirt from the sewing place
Pick up Johan when he quits his job
Restart the computer and install everything again
A movie
Then sleep
Write to you later!
Visst var dimman konstig! Man såg ingenting när man körde :S Hörde att det var skit snyggt på Loussa toppen! :) Det ska bli kul att se bilderna! Du är skit duktig fotograf måste jag säga, jag måste börja använda min kamera men har ingen motivation! :O