
how are you all?
Me, myself - am really tired because of a ghost-incident during the night.
I am pretty used to ghosts close to me, but yesterday the ghost really freaked me out. It has been several years since I have gotten a real contact from the ghost except for small happenings.
I woke up at night by some noises I thought was coming from the cat. I tried to lure the cat towards me so I could pat him, but he didnt seem to want to come.
When I was turning away from my door to get back to sleep, it flew open and slammed against the wall behind it. And i mean, slammed in the wall. Hard. Not like the wind or something could've done it. It was just like a scary movie, when you look away and then turn back and something is different. It was really scary. I asked my mom if she did it, she didnt. And the cat just sat there, undisturbed.
I couldnt sleep all night because I felt threatened. I wanted to watch over Johan so nothing happens to him. Its not often I feel that there is a threat near me, but when I do I grab my protection crystals and just hold them all night, looking and listening in the darkness.

.my protection crystals. I have them for some years now, some are newer.

Postat av: Klaggen

Det lät väldigt obehagligt :O. Stackarn..

2010-09-23 @ 19:34:12
URL: http://klaggen.blogg.se/

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