random Uploads for once

Hello! こんにちは!

How are you?? Genki desuka?? ^_^
I thought that I would upload more today. For the fun of it.
Later this evening, or tomorrow morning, I have decided to learn a new dance for youtube.
I am going to learn, Perfume - Inryoku. It is a lovely dance!

and hopefully I am going to shoot it with my new HD-cam. Very excited!

This is my collection of "dark" things. Not everything that I have collected tho,
but some of my favourite collectables :)



Have a WONDERFUL evening you all!




Postat av: Emma

Det kan jag ju göra :) Vad heter du på youtube då?

2010-05-03 @ 20:02:50
URL: http://emmawik.blogg.se/
Postat av: Klaggen

Trodde att du hade bättre upplösning på kameran än så ;D

2010-05-04 @ 00:20:29

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