more Inspiration?where?

Hello! こんにちは!

Its a sunny day today - but unfortunitely it does have cold wind and clouds lurking all over the skies.
It makes me sad. :P
I havent even had the inspiration for more pictures either. I always bring my camera, but I have nothing to shoot.

and the photo project kinda went in the.. well, nothing.
I'll see what I can do with what I have. >.>

This is the last picture from the lightings that I have so far. -- and this is the picture where the lighting really shows the best. Hope you like it.


Postat av: Klaggen

Cool bild :D. Men jag måste säga att jag gillade den första mer - bildkompositionen tilltalade mig mer i den :). (Att få använda tjorviga uttryck is the shit xD)

2010-05-29 @ 15:47:40

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