complex Thoughts
Hello! こんにちは!
I dont have that cool pics for you today - just some random shots that I've taken the last few days.
Hopefully I will get some nice weather so I can go outside to shoot something.
I was supposed to go out yesterday with the camera, but it was so windy and cold that I just didnt find the strength to go. >.>"
I wish for some sunny weather. No more snow, Please?
I dont have that cool pics for you today - just some random shots that I've taken the last few days.
Hopefully I will get some nice weather so I can go outside to shoot something.
I was supposed to go out yesterday with the camera, but it was so windy and cold that I just didnt find the strength to go. >.>"
I wish for some sunny weather. No more snow, Please?
Postat av: Klaggen
Woah! Jag tyckte om den första bilden asmycket - den på dig - den var sjukt snygg :O.
Resten var också fina :).
Postat av: Jenny
Måste hålla med föregående talare. Sjukt snygg första bild!
Postat av: Jespa
Word! :D
Och håller även med om att snön kan sluta komma nu.. -.-