trying Your best
Hello! こんにちは!
Today I have been reading through my first horror manuscript - and I've been writing my new one. (Also in the same genre, I suppose.)
I feel really good about my ideas and I hope that someone else in the movieworld, will like them too.
I am really optimistic about my future in film. ^_^
- you can never know what happens.
Im going to put up more pictures at Bilddagboken, so if you have an account, you can check me out there aswell! ; and my name there is gothochblandat
Here are some ego-pics of me that I will share with you today...
Today I have been reading through my first horror manuscript - and I've been writing my new one. (Also in the same genre, I suppose.)
I feel really good about my ideas and I hope that someone else in the movieworld, will like them too.
I am really optimistic about my future in film. ^_^
- you can never know what happens.
Im going to put up more pictures at Bilddagboken, so if you have an account, you can check me out there aswell! ; and my name there is gothochblandat
Here are some ego-pics of me that I will share with you today...
Postat av: jespa
Wow! Första bilden var asfin :-)
Postat av: Carro
Gillar sånna brillor, dock passar jag inte i det. Men det gör du väldigt bra:)