someones Thrash - someones treasure
Hello! こんにちは!
Today I woke up at around 7am as usual. I watched a movie with my fiance and then we went out to a garagesale, or, fleemarket -- whatever.
There I found another collectible figure for my collection of figures! I found this Batman. It only cost 10Sek,
and I feel very pleased with it. It looks very cool, and who doesnt love Batman!
Later today Im going to continue to write on my mannuscript! ~
Have a lovely day. またね!
Today I woke up at around 7am as usual. I watched a movie with my fiance and then we went out to a garagesale, or, fleemarket -- whatever.
There I found another collectible figure for my collection of figures! I found this Batman. It only cost 10Sek,
and I feel very pleased with it. It looks very cool, and who doesnt love Batman!
Later today Im going to continue to write on my mannuscript! ~
Have a lovely day. またね!
Postat av: Marie
Tackar :)
Postat av: Selma
Vad gulligt! :) Varför skriver du på engelska?? :D
Postat av: Cindy'Nham
hehe, jag tyckte inte den var så bra eftersom jag hade väldigt höga förväntningar om den eftersom jag trodde den skulle vara jätte läskig men den inte eftersom jag kunde sova haha :$$
Postat av: christoffer
Batman is the best! After Mumin of course ;)