celebrations At midsummer

Hello! こんにちは!

I have been in a hurry today, so I didnt have the time to edit all of the photos.
But here are two of the shots i've taken! ^__^

First night, I think, at Tansjärv. The lake was very serene.

We did alot of barbeque-ing every night. It was awesome!
.. except for the mosquitos.

a very creepy spidey hanging on the window!
- and I also had a spider in my hair. It scared the jeebies out of me.

I will upload more pictures tomorrow. Probably sometime after work.
Have a wonderful night!

Postat av: Anonym

sv: antaligen hehe :D

2010-06-28 @ 19:37:03
URL: http://amalosandra.blogg.se/
Postat av: Stina

Sv: Åh, gud så kul att du ska åka till Japan! När blir det? Och vad kostar egentligen en flygbiljett dit? ^^

2010-06-28 @ 23:27:51
URL: http://obsessivecuteness.blogg.se/
Postat av: C E L I N E ♥

SV: Uhm vaa? x]

2010-06-29 @ 11:19:40
URL: http://ceeeline.blogg.se/
Postat av: C E L I N E ♥

SV: Jaha haha ;D

2010-06-29 @ 14:16:14
URL: http://ceeeline.blogg.se/
Postat av: Christine

Gud vilken härlig solnedgång!

2010-07-04 @ 18:37:09
URL: http://christinenaenfeldt.blogg.se/

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