a Little bit darker, a little bit colder
I went to the cematary, but I didnt really get inspired as I usually get.. maybe it was the growing cold for the wintertime, or the mosquitos swirling around my ears that did it...
I dont know..
But I took some that I liked. A bit gothic looking. I just wish that our local, and only, cematary, was a bit bigger.
When I get to Japan I am going to take lots of time visiting their graveyards and take some beautiful pictures.
Strange that my favourite thing to take photos of, is the Graveyard.
I just find them serene and beautiful.
My friend in China mentioned today, that its the Chinese Halloween today.
Just.. as a interesting thing to know. ^_^
I went to the cematary, but I didnt really get inspired as I usually get.. maybe it was the growing cold for the wintertime, or the mosquitos swirling around my ears that did it...
I dont know..
But I took some that I liked. A bit gothic looking. I just wish that our local, and only, cematary, was a bit bigger.
When I get to Japan I am going to take lots of time visiting their graveyards and take some beautiful pictures.
Strange that my favourite thing to take photos of, is the Graveyard.
I just find them serene and beautiful.
My friend in China mentioned today, that its the Chinese Halloween today.
Just.. as a interesting thing to know. ^_^
Now im gonna study some japanese before I get to bed.
Postat av: [Foto & Vardag]
hej och tack för fin kommentar :)
Ja precis, det är lång bländaröppning man kör om man vill få vattnet så där, dock kunde jag inte ha så lång öppning som jag ville då jag glömde stativet hemma ;( då blir ju bilderna lätt suddiga :(
Postat av: FOTOGRAF Anton
haha har du aldrig sett en elefant? :o
Postat av: Fotograf; Ida
Sv: Tack så jättejättemycket :)
Det är två bilder som är ihopsatta. Tyckte det gav en bättre känsla i bilden.