oh My

Hello! こんにちは!

Sorry that I havent uploaded anything - I was busy all day yesterday and I didnt even have my computer.
Me and my friend spent most of the day gaming Call of Duty - World at war yesterday, it was real fun!
on a big tv screen as well, hehe.

I've seen the camera im gonna get on my birthday - it is so LOVELY!!<3

Here are some pics from the trip again;

In this picture I tried to catch some reindeers crossing the path.
You can see some of them, but not really.. just in the bigger pictures that I have.
To bad. But nice view anyway.


Also I started a drawing yesterday.. its very different from what I usually draw..




Postat av: Klaggen

Woah! Den andra bilden var sjukt mäktig O_O

2010-04-21 @ 23:50:07
Postat av: Lollo

Fin bilden vart ;d du är bra å att måla!

2010-04-26 @ 12:15:56
URL: http://louiisehammar.blogg.se/

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