last Trip of the season

Hello! こんにちは!

Yesterday I took my last snowmobile trip for this season.
It was a fun day - tho it was very windy up in the mountains. Some scary parts as well as I fell through an shell of ice then landed on rocks and hurt my leg. That part wasnt so fun. :P
But over all - a nice experience.

I took some nice shots which I will show you here, and some will be put up later on :)

They had built small cabins all over the mountains - and I have no idea what
they are used for. But they are cute tho.

We saw lots of wonderful birds - dont know the english name, but in swedish they
are called; Ripa
- and I tried my best to take a photo but they kept running away.. So,
just a feather of the beautiful creatures was taken.

This is a cabin as well, but I dont know what these are for either. :P But

We found the most beautiful place to take photos at!
So serene and full of harmony - this was the highlight of the trip seeing this.

This little house is built for tourists to go inside and look at maps,
and get other information.


Postat av: Jespa

Första bilden var riktigt fin tycker jag :) gillade den. Lite trist att skotern får vila redan nu bara -.- men nu har du ju något att se fram emot iaf.

Och btw, i den andra stugan bor kanske Plupp!

2010-04-19 @ 10:14:39
Postat av: Melissa

Hej Cindy

Tack för din kommentar. Vilka fina bilder du tar



2010-04-19 @ 11:02:43
Postat av: Klaggen

Otroligt härligt inlägg måste jag säga :D!

Gillade speciellt den andra bilden - så otroligt fina färger i den :).

2010-04-19 @ 12:26:37
Postat av: snickar täljan

jävligt fina bilder;)

2010-04-19 @ 13:14:30
Postat av: Emma

Är det inte "Giron" som betyder ripa fast på samiska då?

2010-04-21 @ 21:59:11

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