One Moment

Once I met a boy who would change my life forever.
I come from a sorrowful life of nothing but pain – and yet I still had hope. I wished that one day everything would make sense, and all my pain would be worth it.

It was a Wednesday afternoon, and I had just gotten out of my shower. Fog had hidden my reflection in the mirror, and so I drew a new face on it. 
Somehow it felt better – it wasn’t me any longer in the mirror, it’s was just a happy smiley face who didn’t know pain, didn’t know the meaning of suffer. I wiped of some tears that fell down my cheek and started to put on some clothes. 
My wet towel was thrown on the floor like every other thing I owned, I didn’t care to clean up since no one visited. It was a waste of precious time.

With black jeans on and a shaggy blue t-shirt I came back to the mirror and the happy smiley face had become sad  - the foggy water had fallen and made his mouth cheerless.
 A strange kind of anxiety came over me, like the smiley was a metaphor of myself and soon I too would be crushed by the elements of life, and there was nothing to do to stop it.
With fast beating heart my angst grew bigger and so I took on my shoes without tying them and ran out of my apartment. Rain falling down from the almost lifeless sky and down on my cold wanned skinned body. 
My marine blue t-shirt got soaked wet but still I continued to run. I didn’t know where, just anywhere – somewhere - just a sign of something better than this.

All of a sudden I stopped.

My lungs stopped to inhale and I slowly turned my head to the side. A tall black haired man was sitting there. With enchanting eyes he looked at me, and seemed as amazed as I was by this… magical force that had drawn us here, to this exact spot together. 
A high bell rang, and I noticed that we were standing on a train platform. He must be waiting… 
The man walked away to the train and sat in one of the compartments – but even as he walked aboard, he never stopped gazing into my eyes. Even though we didn’t stand near each other I could feel his warmth, his love…

The train started to move and you disappeared from my view and it was from that moment I devoted myself to find him. 
This moment was to haunt me eternally, and always made me wonder; why didn’t you jump out of the train and stay with me? Was I not beautiful enough? Was I nothing to love?
After many years of searching I had to realize that you were forever gone and forever lost… But you never left my thoughts even so, and I always waited at that special spot where we met and hoped with all my wishes that you’d come back.

Once I met a man who would change my life forever – and now I understand the power of love.

     Once I met a girl who would change my life forever.

I come from a life without troubles – and yet I always felt lost. My road through life always seemed difficult, like the path was to foggy to follow, and so I lost my way. Or maybe, since I had been lucky enough with a rich family, I had never needed to do anything by myself. To learn. To become me..

My thoughts and feelings was nothing that I could ever figure out or understand. They feel like nothingness and they make me want to run – flee if you may. 

It was during a Wednesday afternoon and I sat outside the train station waiting for my journey towards another country where I was to start my new job.
 With the rain dripping down on the ceiling above me I gazed out onto the whether and listened when the drops hit the ground, and the wind blow the leaves by my side.
I started to think about my life and past relationships – how they had all ended because of my lost mind and uncertainty. “What was wrong with me?”, I mostly asked myself, but sadly the answer was never found.

I heard fast footsteps hit the wet ground, it sounded like a girl, with quick and easy steps. 
The noise stopped and I looked to my side. Her eyes was straight ahead but when she noticed me she turned to my direction.
Her beautiful face was incredible, as was her sorrowful eyes. I had never seen such pain in ones eyes before, but still she had life in her, waiting to get out. 
Her dark brown hair blew gracefully, even though it was covered with water. What a beauty!

My train had arrived and I had to board. I couldn’t let my eyes of off her, so I sat quickly down on the seat watching her through the window. 
The train started to pull away from the station, and it felt like my heart was left with her. 
“Should I stay? Should I jump out?”, my thoughts who was before normally straight and always well thought through, was now so confused and I didn’t know what to do. 
So I did what I had always done, I  didn’t do anything. I stayed in the train watching everything slip away. 
There doesn’t go another day by where I don’t regret taking my chance with this beautiful mystery woman. I had lost the one, and I had given up on all hope.

Once I met a girl who would change my life forever – and now I understand the meaning of following your heart.
The End.

Det här var en text som jag skrev för kanske.. 5-6 år sedan. Mitt sätt att skriva är att bara ta upp en penna, och skriv exakt vad som kommer upp i huvudet. Noveller, eller korta historier, är alltid samma. Jag tänker inte direkt igenom vad jag skriver, utan det bara kommer. Ibland lyckas man skriva något som man gillar, och det här är en av de som jag personligen tycker om. Även om grammatiken etc kanske inte är det bästa. Men så kanske det blir när man inte tänker igenom, utan bara skriver.
Kom med kommentarer om ni vill! Bra eller dåliga, det skadar aldrig.

Postat av: Emelie

Den var ju jätte bra ju, lägg upp mer sånt där ! :-D

Svar: tack!!

2013-04-15 @ 20:31:34
Postat av: hannae

vacker! asbra cindy! fet tumme upp :)

Svar: åh tack :)

2013-04-15 @ 20:37:02
Postat av: Winterdragon

Me like! Härliga beskrivningar av tankar och känslor, det kändes verkligen som att vara inuti karaktärernas huvuden. Fint metaforspel med vädret och tåget och små detaljer. Så mycket känslor du lyckades packa in i en så kort berättelse. Läser gärna fler noveller!

2013-04-15 @ 20:48:41

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